水にねがう/ Pray to Water
建築家 松田公彦氏より、新しい観光案内所に吉野川のイメージで藍染めをというご依頼を頂いて、徳島が末永く豊かで穏やかでありますようにという願いを込めて制作しました。
The architect Mr. Kimihiko Matsuda asked me to make an indigo-dyed piece on the image of the Yoshino River for his new work “Tokushima Welcome Center,” a public tourist information center, so I created this work with the pray that Tokushima will be prosperous and peaceful for many years to come.
By layering layers of dyed thin silk cloth, I hoped to express not only surface changes, but also depth and deepness.
Long ago, in my thirties.
I was strolling around, dreaming of a home-cum-workshop. At that time, I saw a house with solid aluminum sashes that was very fresh and left a lasting impression on me.
I think it was around that time that I first met the architect Mr. Kimihiko Matsuda. I am deeply moved to have met him again after such a long time and to have been able to be involved.
梶本登基子/ Tokiko Kaijmoto
写真提供/ Photos
松田公彦スタジオ:澤田梨江/ Rie Sawada, Matsuda Kimihiko Studio