ル カナ モトブ/ LE CANA MOTOBU
徳島でブライダル事業やコスチューム事業などを手がける株式会社トキワ様運営の、沖縄・本部「沖縄海岸国定公園」内に建つ一棟貸切オーベルジュ・高級ホテル『LE CANA MOTOBU(ルカナ モトブ)』の一室に、ISSOオリジナルのタペストリーをご採用いただきました。
一棟貸切オーベルジュ『LE CANA MOTOBU(ルカナ モトブ)』について
ISSO’s original tapestry has been adopted for a room at “LE CANA MOTOBU (@lecanamotobu),” a luxury one-house-reserved auberge in the Okinawa Coast National Park in Motobu, Okinawa, operated by Tokiwa Co. Ltd., a bridal and costume business comepany in Tokushima.
This artwork images the overlapping of colors of both the sky and the sea, as can be seen from the window of the hotel room. ISSO tries to make solidity and depth appeared by the overlapping of each cloth dyed in a different blue.