藍にひそむ「色」そのものの魅力や力を感じていただけるように、素材を生かしたシンプルな物づくりを心がけて、藍に染めた布が、なにかナチュラルな風合いや雰囲気と共に暮らしの中に 安らぎを添えることができれば幸いです。
藍の色は広くて、深くて、漠とした・・・海や空へもつながっていく「青」 の世界へいざなってくれるような、そんな気がしてやみません。
About ISSO
“ISSO” is the brand name of Aizome (indigo dye: ai means indigo and zo-me or so-me means dyeing) atelier, conducted by Tokiko Kajimoto.
We make Aizome products by a traditional technique that has handed down since the past, using only natural materials: the rare natural blue dye “Awa-Ai (also called as Sukumo)”, lye of trees (oak, cherry tree, etc.), lime and very special Sake of Tokushima (or Fusuma, bran that sieved when it is milled wheat).
To make one who uses our products feeling the fascination of “Color” hiding in blue by indigo, we’d like to keep making products with simplicity, not more or not less. If our indigo-dyed products could provide people comfortable and peaceful time in their life, we’re so happy.
The color of Ai is deep, free and ambiguous….. Indigo blue may lead you to “Blue” world connected with both the sea and the sky.